Sunday, July 25, 2010

my first blog!

So this is the first blog I have ever started! I am pretty excited, but a little bit nervous.
I guess I finally needed to try something new. The rants and raves or ramblings I write are my own or other people's rants. Sometimes I just have all these ideas and don't know what to do! And well since I have the time now to get back to my writing, I think this will be a great outlet for me to get those ideas down, and try to make sense of them later! or express other people's ideas and make sense of them as well!
-Subconsciously I understand what is happening to me, but my conscience refuses to listen. It’s a constant battle between the subconscious and conscious, and when does this battle end? I see myself running. Running from something but I am not sure what or whom I am running from. It’s like in a dream, when you are trying to run fast and you know your life depends on you running faster, but all you feel and see is your body moving in slow motion. No matter how hard to try to move faster, no matter how much will or desire you have to run faster, it is not possible. Your slow moving body can no longer out run the thing or person chasing you. Right at the moment when “it” catches up to you and is just about to grab you, you wake up. Reality hits like a ton of bricks. Your mind knows that you just experienced this intense subconscious battle between reality and dream, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot possibly remember what your subconscious was trying to tell you. You cannot remember what or who you were running from. You cannot decipher the mental code and figure what the meaning was to all of this running. After I short while you completely forget about what just happened in your mind, get out of bed and begin your everyday routine we call LIFE.